Wild mango

Common Names:

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Wild Mango, Mutondo

Cordylia Africana

Commercially available in large volumes, can be supplied in planks, turnings, turning blanks and rustic furniture

A large, spreading, deciduous tree up to 25 meters in height, occurring at low altitudes in hot areas. 

Source - Tress of Southern Africa - Keith Coates Palgrave and Meg Coates Palgrave

Mutondo is a stunning deep cream coloured wood with golden undertones that creates its own ambience. The heartwood has a colour yellow brown to nut brown with a subtle but attractive grain pattern. Weighing 800Kg's/m3 the hardwood durable and logs that have been lying on the forest floor for decades produce high quality sawn boards. It sandpapers well and also take varnish and oils well. It is used for furniture, flooring, turning and carving and often used for the making of African drums

Wild Mango tree

Wild Mango tree

Herbarium Sample

Herbarium Sample

Wood sample

Wood sample

Wild Mango bark

Wild Mango bark

Wild Mango tree

Wild Mango tree

Wild Mango saplings

Wild Mango saplings

Young Wild Mango - 5 years

Young Wild Mango - 5 years

Wild Mango bowl

Wild Mango bowl